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Surah Yaseen' Last Verses - The Story Inbox IqraSense.com via aweber.com 9:01 PM (38 minutes ago) to me IqraSense.com Assalamu-Alaikum and Greetings ! These verses of the Quran were revealed at the time when non-believers of Makkah asked the Holy Prophet that how could they become alive after they die. In these verses of Surah Yaseen, Allah asks these people how they came into being for the first time. The article below discusses this topic. As the article is posted below on Facebook, please like the page and share it with others so you can get future Islamic content. Click here to read the article According to the traditions related by Ibn ‘Abbas, Qatadah and Said bin Jubair, one of the chiefs of Makkah, on this occasion, came up with a rotten bone of a dead person, from the graveyard. He broke and crushed it into pieces before the Holy Prophet and scattering its particles in the air, said.-“O Muhammad, you say that the dead will be raised back to life. Tell us who will give life to these decayed and rotten bones?” The answer was given immediately in the form of these verses in Surah Yasin. Click here to read the article Sincerely, Iqrasense.com jesus book forty hadith riyadh ideal Muslim The Varying Nature of Our Faith and Eeman Wasim iqrasense@gmail.com IqraSense.com via aweber.com Sat, Sep 2, 5:31 PM (14 hours ago) to me Exploring the Depth of Faith and Iman: Insights from Ibn Taymiyyah Dear Brothers and sisters - Assalamu-Alaikum, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, I am excited to share insights into the dynamic nature of faith, or Iman, as expounded by the highly revered Islamic scholar, Ibn Taymiyyah. The depth of his understanding provides us with a profound appreciation of faith as not merely a static state but rather a vibrant, evolving experience that can wax and wane over time. Here is a summary of the eight points that he explained related to that topic. To read this in full, you can see the full article on IqraSense.com by clicking here. 1. Understanding Iman in Principle and Detail: Ibn Taymiyyah explained the difference between general acceptance of faith and a detailed understanding of it. Some believers may have a strong belief in Allah and His Messenger in principle, but not be fully aware of all the specifics of their religious duties. 2. Faith and Applied Knowledge: The depth of one's faith is also influenced by their efforts to understand and implement the teachings of the Messenger in their everyday lives. 3. The Strength of Knowledge and Faith: Just as our senses perceive things differently based on their intensity, our faith and knowledge can be stronger or weaker. There is significant diversity in people's understanding of Allah's words, with some people comprehending them more clearly than others. 4. Faith That Inspires Action: The scholar elaborated on how faith that motivates a believer to act is more perfect than faith that does not. The stronger the influence of our faith on our emotions towards Allah, the stronger our faith becomes. 5. Influential Factors of Faith: Ibn Taymiyyah also highlighted that the depth and strength of one's faith can be affected by the weight and credibility of the arguments supporting it. The more persuasive the reasons, the stronger the faith. 6. Relationship Between Iman and Heart Actions: This point emphasizes how actions of the heart, such as love, fear, trust, and devotion to Allah, can significantly affect the intensity of one's faith. 7. Remembrance and Iman: The scholar shared that the constant remembrance of Allah strengthens our faith. Conversely, our faith may diminish when we neglect to remember Him and His commands. 8. The Power of Knowledge in Acceptance: Lastly, he explained that sometimes people deny or reject certain teachings due to a lack of understanding. But once they acquire the necessary knowledge, they are more likely to accept and endorse those same teachings. Ibn Taymiyyah's deep understanding of the fluctuations of faith helps us be more mindful of our spiritual evolution. Remember, faith is an ongoing journey, not merely a destination. It's important to acknowledge the shifts and growth in our beliefs. I trust these insights will be beneficial in your continual spiritual journey. May Allah grant us the wisdom and strength to understand His religion better and to instill the love of Allah in our hearts. (Support us by clicking here) With warm regards and heartfelt prayers, Wasim iqrasense@gmail.com Teachers NADER El BIZRI Hits: 6327 BIZRI THUMB Biography His name is 'Nader M. Mouhib El-Bizri'. He was born in 1966 in the city of Sidon (Saida) in south Lebanon. He completed his schooling at the Jesuit / Marist Collège Notre Dame de Fatima des Frères Maristes in Sidon. He qualified for his BArch in architecture from the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the American University of Beirut (1989), and received the MArch-II in architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (1994). He read philosophy at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University (1995), and got a PhD in Philosophy from the Graduate Faculty of the New School of Social Research in New York (1999). Intellectual profile Nader El-Bizri's areas of expertise are in Phenomenology, in Arabic Sciences and philosophy, and Architectural Humanities (Architectural theory). He focuses mainly on theories of space/place and of perception, with a particular interest in classical optics and perspective Renaissance traditions. His interpretation of history of science and philosophy is guided by contemporary debates in epistemology and ontology (metaphysics). His philosophical analysis is principally oriented by phenomenological methods of investigation and interpretation, and his thinking is influenced by the traditions of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.BIZRI2 He also composed commentaries on these phenomenologists in addition to writing about notions central to the works of Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas. His research in history of science and philosophy, which also informs his investigations in architectural history, theory and criticism, is methodologically inspired by the legacies of scholars of history and philosophy of science like: Gaston Bachelard, Georges Canguilhem, and Alexandre Koyré (while being also tangentially aware of the differential methods of Leo Strauss and Quentin Skinner). He developed an expertise in history of philosophy and science in Islamic civilisation, with a special focus on the traditions of polymaths like the optician and geometer Alhazen (al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham), the metaphysician and physician Avicenna (Abu 'Ali Ibn Sina), and the tenth-century encyclopaedist thinkers, the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa'). El-Bizri studied under Stanley Cavell, Hilary Putnam, Robert Nozick, and A. I. Sabra at Harvard University, and he also was the student of Richard J. Bernstein and Ágnes Heller at the Graduate Faculty of The New School for Social Research in New York. He also conducted research with the Islamic philosophy scholar Parviz Morewedge at the State University of New York in Binghamton [4]. In more recent years, he established solid academic collaborations with the influential phenomenologist Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Editor of Analecta Husserliana and President of The World Phenomenology Institute, New Hampshire, USA). El-Bizri's interpretations of the history of the exact sciences in classical Islamic civilisation have been partly inspired by the legacy of the mathematician, historian and philosopher of science: Roshdi Rashed (Emeritus; CNRS, Paris). El-Bizri’s approach to the history of mathematics in Greco-Arabic legacies within pre-modern Islamic contexts is bent on rendering the ancient texts readable to modern mathematicians. He thus sees the vocation of the historian of mathematics as being also that of the epistemologist and not strictly that of the humanist as a scholar of historiography per se. This is for instance evident from his edition and annotated translation with commentaries of the epistles on geometry and arithmetic of the Brethren of Purity (Oxford University Press, 2012). His method is also informed by ontology in considering the propositions and 'entities' of mathematics as being connected across historical epochs and transcending the differences in language and culture. This renders them translatable across epistemic and mathematical systems and not via a strict literalism due to their pure abstraction. He is not an advocate of 'presentism' per se, but he clearly sees shortcomings in 'antiquarianism'. He rather studies the epistemic history of mathematics and the exact sciences (in a take from within historical epistemology), and he interprets mathematical and scientific notions in context and also in light of later concepts. He is a philosopher in support of modernisation in approaching the epistemic history of knowledge, more than being only an archival historian who is solely focused on philological documentation. In recent studies that aim at 'renewing the impetus of philosophical thinking in Islam', El-Bizri offers critical analyses of the conventions of methodology and historiography that dominate the mainstream academic and epistemic approaches in studying 'Islamic philosophy' from 'archival' standpoints, within Oriental and Mediaevalist Studies; arguing that these do not usually recognise the fact that 'philosophy in Islam' can still be a living intellectual tradition, and that its renewal requires a radical reform in ontology, epistemology and cosmology within Islamic thought, which have primacy over the emphasis on theories of value, on politics and law. El-Bizri's interpretations of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) from the standpoint of Heidegger's critique of the history of metaphysics aimed at finding new pathways in ontology that are not simply Avicennian nor Heideggerian, even though his approach in rethinking falsafa in terms of a renewal in Avicennism carries resonances with separate novel modern ways of reading Aristotelianism and Thomism as exemplified by the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre. Besides his research in phenomenology, and the history and philosophy of the exact sciences, El-Bizri contributes to the philosophical debates within contemporary Architectural theory and Architectural humanities, through his studies on space and place, and the theories of vision, as these are informed by the phenomenological traditions, the history of Graeco-Arabic optics, and research on the perspective legacies in the Renaissance pictorial arts. Academic and professional profile Nader El-Bizri is a visiting professor of visual studies at the University of Lincoln and a principal lecturer (reader) in architecture, and he teaches at the American University of Beirut as a professor of philosophy and chairperson of the Civilization Studies Program, and as the director of the Anis Makdisi Program in Literature and the Humanistic Disciplines [8]. He is also an affiliated senior research fellow in philosophy at The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London; also acting as general editor (and managing editor ex officio) of a book series published by Oxford University Press in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London; titled: Epistles of the Brethren of Purity Series رسائل إخوان الصفاء He is also the co-manager of a joint institutional project between The Institute of Ismaili Studies in London and the Institut Français du Proche Orient (IFPO) in Damascus (Syria), and acts as the coordinator and member of the editorial board of The Institute of Ismaili Studies Texts and Translations Series (London, I. B. Tauris). El-Bizri has been an affiliated research scholar and lecturer at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge since 1999 (primarily lecturing on Arabic sciences and philosophy), and he has also been a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Cambridge (Islamic architecture). He furthermore holds a chercheur associé post at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, and he was previously a lecturer in architecture at the University of Nottingham, and taught at Harvard University and the American University of Beirut. Moreover, he is an elected member of the Steering Committee of the Société Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences et des Philosophies Arabes et Islamiques (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris), and he is an active member of several societies, including The American Philosophical Association (APA), The British Society for Phenomenology, the International Husserl and Phenomenological Research Society, and the Architectural Humanities Research Association (British Universities Consortium). NADER3In addition, he is the co-editor of a book series in phenomenology (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands),[15], and as section editor (Islam) of the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions (SPRINGER, Dordrecht & Berlin), as well as being a member of the editorial board of a book series on philosophy and architecture (Toposophia; Lexington Books, Maryland, US). He is also a member of the editorial board of the distinguished academic journal: Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, which is published by Cambridge University Press. Among his other offices, he is also a board member on Fundamentals of Scientific Research at The Arab Organization for Translation in Beirut (linked to the Centre for Arab Unity Studies), and a member of the board of consulting editors of the Encyclopaedia Islamica (published by E. J. Brill, Leiden), as well as being the European representative of the Equipe d’Etude et de Recherche sur le Patrimoine Scientifique Arabe, which is part of the Lebanese CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). He has also been a contributor to the Cultural and Classics Supplements of the daily Arabic international newspaper Al-Hayat (London; Beirut) الحياة . Nader El-Bizri also acted as consultant, expert advisor and referee to a variety of institutions, including the Solomon Guggenheim in New York, the Science Museum in London, the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and Architectural Awards in Geneva, and the AHRC (Arts & Humanities Research Council) in Britain. He also made several contributions to BBC Radio and Television cultural programs Besides his academic undertakings Nader El-Bizri has over twelve years of professional architectural design and consulting experience in offices and institutions in Geneva, London, Cambridge, New York, Boston and Beirut (He registered as chartered architect in 1990 as part of the Ordre des Ingénieurs et Architectes, Beirut, Lebanon). Selected publications (Representative of over 135 published works) The Phenomenological Quest Between Avicenna and Heidegger (Binghamton, N.Y.: Global Publications, SUNY, 2000) 'Avicenna and Essentialism', Review of Metaphysics 54 (2001), 753–778 'Qui-êtes vous Khôra?: Receiving Plato's Timaeus', Existentia Meletai-Sophias 11 (2001), 473–490 'A Phenomenological Account of the Ontological Problem of Space', Existentia Meletai-Sophias 12 (2002), 345–364 'Avicenna's De Anima Between Aristotle and Husserl', in The Passions of the Soul in the Metamorphosis of Becoming, ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003), 67–89 [25] 'Religion and Measure', Phenomenological Inquiry 27 (2003), 128–155 'Variations autour de la notion d'expérience dans la pensée arabe', in L'expérience, collection les mots du monde, under the direction of N. Tazi, translated by M. Saint-Upéry (Paris: Éditions la Découverte, 2004), 39–58 'Ontopoièsis and the Interpretation of Plato's Khôra', Analecta Husserliana 83 (2004), 25–45 'On Kai Khora: Situating Heidegger between the Sophist and the Timaeus,' Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (2004), 73–98 'La perception de la profondeur: Alhazen, Berkeley, et Merleau-Ponty', Oriens-Occidens: Cahiers du centre d'histoire des sciences et des philosophies arabes et médiévales, CNRS. 5 (2004), 171–184NADER L'expérience (Paris: Editions la Découverte, 2004), co-authored with Jean-Pierre Cléro, Martin Jay, G-K Karanth, and Achille Mbembe, with a foreword by Nadia Tazi 'The Varieties of Experience in Arabic Thought', in Keywords: Experience, eds. Nadia Tazi et al. (New York: Other Press, 2004), 43–70 — (Published also in Arabic by the Centre Culturel Arabe in 2005; 13–35) 'A Philosophical Perspective on Alhazen's Optics', Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 15 (2005), 189–218 'The Conceptions of Nature in Arabic Thought', in Nature (Keywords Series), ed. Nadia Tazi (New York: Other Press, 2005), 63–92 ‘Microcosm and Macrocosm: A Tentative Encounter between Graeco-Arabic Philosophy and Phenomenology', in Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm, ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006), 3–23 'Being and Necessity: A Phenomenological Investigation of Avicenna's Metaphysics and Cosmology', in Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm, ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006), 243–261 [26] 'Uneasy Meditations following Levinas', Studia Phaenomenologica 6 (2006), 293–315 'Being-towards-death: on Martyrdom and Islam', Cristianesimo nella storia 27 (2006), 249–279 'In Defence of the Sovereignty of Philosophy: al-Baghdadi's Critique of Ibn al-Haytham's Geometrisation of Place', Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 17 (2007), 57–80 ‘Imagination and Architectural Representations', in From Models to Drawings: Imagination and Representation in Architecture, eds. Marco Frascari, Jonathan Hale, Bradley Starkey (London : Routledge, 2007), 34–42 'Some Phenomenological and Classical Corollaries on Time', in Timing and Temporality in Islamic Philosophy and Phenomenology of Life, ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), 137–155 'Préface', in Ibn Taymiyya, Les Saints du Mont Liban: Absence, jihâd et spiritualité, entre la montagne et la cité. Cinq fetwas traduits de l’arabe, introduits et annotés par Yahya Michot – Fetwas d'Ibn Taymiyya 5 (Beirut – Paris: Editions ALBOURAQ – La Librairie de l’Orient, 2007), vii–xviii ‘God: essence and attributes’, in The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology, ed. Tim Winter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 121–140 ‘Le problème de l’espace: approches optique, géométrique et phénoménologique’, in Oggetto e spazio. Fenomenologia dell'oggetto, forma e cosa dai secoli XIII-XIV ai post-cartesiani, eds. Graziella Federici Vescovini and Orsola Rignani. Micrologus Library 24 (Firenze: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2008), 59–70 ‘Hermeneutics and Tradition: Re-gathering the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity ’, in Islam ve Klasik, ed. Sami Erdem. Klasik 44 (Istanbul: Bilim ve Sanat Vakfi, 2008), 339–360 Epistles of the Brethren of Purity. The Ikhwan al-Safa' and their Rasa'il: An Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). Editor of the book, and Contributor of the 'Prologue', 1–32, and of Chapter 7: 'Epistolary Prolegomena: On Arithmetic and Geometry', 180–213 Revision of the English translation of Khwārizmī's Kitāb al-Jabr wa-al-muqābala, in: Roshdi Rashed, Al-Khwārizmī: The Beginnings of Algebra (London–Beirut: Saqi, 2009), 81–376 'Foreword', in Epistles of the Brethren of Purity. The Case of the Animals versus Man before the King of the Jinn. An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation of Epistle 22, ed. trans. Lenn E. Goodman and Richard McGregor (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2009), XVII-XXV 'Ibn al-Haytham et le problème de la couleur', Oriens-Occidens: Cahiers du centre d'histoire des sciences et des philosophies arabes et médiévales, C.N.R.S. 7 (2009), 201–226 'Creative inspirations or intellectual impasses? Reflections on relationships between architecture and the humanities', in The Humanities in Architectural Design: A Contemporary and Historical Perspective, eds. Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Jane Lomholt, Nicholas Temple and Renée Tobe (London: Routledge, 2010), 123–135 'The Labyrinth of Philosophy in Islam', Comparative Philosophy 1.2 (2010), 3–23 'Al-Sīnawiyya wa-naqd Heidegger li-tārīkh al-mītāfīzīqā', al-Maĥajja 21 (2010), 119–140 'Corollaries on Space and Time in Arabic Sciences and Philosophy', in Chrono-Topologies: Hybrid Spatialities and Multiple Temporalities, ed. Leslie Kavanaugh (Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 2010), 63–78 'Classical Optics and the Perspectiva Traditions Leading to the Renaissance', in Renaissance Theories of Vision, eds. Charles Carman and John Hendrix (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010), 11–30 'Phenomenological Directives on Reason and Spirit: Rational Discourses and Spiritual Inspirations', in Reason and Spirit, and the Sacral in the New Enlightenment, ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Dordrecht-Berlin: Springer, 2011), 185–193 'The Groundbreaking Physics of Averroes', Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 42 (2011), 210–214 'Ibn Sīnā’s Ontology and the Question of Being’, Ishrāq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook 2 (2011), 222–237 'Being at Home Among Things: Heidegger’s Reflections on Dwelling', Environment, Space, Place 3 (2011), 47–71 Edited the translation of Roshdi Rashed's Founding Figures and Commentators in Arabic Mathematics: A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics, Vol. 1, trans. R. Wareham with C. Allen and M. Barany (London: Routledge, 2011) ‘Spirituality in the Peripatetic Philosophical Traditions of Islam’, Comparative Philosophy Volume 3, No. 2 (2012): 29–35 'The Conceptual Bearings of the Intercultural Role of Architecture', in The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, eds. Paul Emmons, John Hendrix, and Jane Lomholt (London: Routledge, 2012), 199–207 Epistles of the Brethren of Purity. On Arithmetic and Geometry. Arabic Edition and English Translation of EPISTLES 1 & 2 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) ‘Ta’mmulat falsafiyya fi al-tabi’a al-insaniyya min khilal al-nazar ila tadakhul al-akhar fi al-dhat', al-Maĥajja 27 (2013), 85–100 ‘Variations ontologiques autour du concept d’angoisse chez Kierkegaard’, in Kierkegaard notre contemporain paradoxal, ed. Nicole Hatem (Beirut: Université Saint-Joseph, 2013), 83–95 Editor of the ‘Islam Division’ of the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, eds. Anne Runehov, Lluis Oviedo et al. (Dordrecht-Berlin: Springer, 2013) 'Philosophising at the Margins of 'Sh'i Studies': Reflections on Ibn Sina's Ontology', in The Study of Sh'i Islam. History, Theology and Law, eds. Farhad Daftary and Gurdofarid Miskinzoda (London: I. B. Tauris, 2014), pp. 585–597 'Seeing Reality in Perspective: "The Art of Optics" and the "Science of Painting"', in The Art of Science: From Perspective Drawing to Quantum Randomness, eds. Rossella Lupacchini and Annarita Angelini (Doredrecht: Springer, 2014), pp. 25-47 ‘Tasdir awwali hawl al-mabahith al-mantiqiyya fi finominolojia Husserl’, al-Maĥajja 29 (2014): 109-120 ‘Le renouvellement de la falsafa?’, Les Cahiers de l’Islam I (2014): 17-38 Recto Verso: Redefining the Sketchbook, co-edited with Angela Bartram and Douglas Gittens (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014)(Source:https://www.jmrab.edu.lb/index.php/associations/teachers/175-front-page-news/book-of-the-week/1182-nader). SAIFULLAH MUHAMMAD KHALED REPUTED AL QURAN TUTOR AT ONLINE Islamic School Global Islamic School(GIS) University of Chittagong Chattogram, Bangladesh Contact info 272 connections 41 mutual connections: Houssam Bizri, Muhammad Abdullah (أبو أفنان), and 39 others41 mutual connections: Houssam Bizri, Muhammad Abdullah (أبو أفنان), and 39 others Message More Highlights Reach out to SHIFULLAH for... Mentoring. Message View IIFM-IILM Virtual Seminar on Global Benchmark Rate Reforms IIFM-IILM Virtual Seminar on Global Benchmark Rate Reforms SHIFULLAH attended this event Message About Experienced Online Tutor skilled in English, Bangla, Teaching, Teaching English as a Second Language, and Tutoring. Strong media and communication professional with a Bachelor of Arts - BA focused in Islamic Studies from University of Chittagong. Featured Teaching "A Beautiful Song for The 5 Sounds and all Basic #Tajweed Rules" to my beloved #students Mohammed Bagale and Sadiqa. Keep them in your prayer. They are #Beginning #Quran #learners. like support 6 সূরা হা-মীম সাজদাহ(৩০-৩৬)#Surah_Ha_mim_Sajdah #Fussilat #Tilawat YouTube #Surah #Quran #Tilawat Activity 268 followers Jazakallahu khairan, Brother. Please, keep us in your prayer. SHIFULLAH replied to a comment Sir, Really, we are proud of him❤️ SHIFULLAH commented Surah Al-Maidah 21-23 SHIFULLAH shared this #Teaching #Quran #recitation #melody SHIFULLAH shared this 2 Reactions See all activity See all activity Experience Global Islamic School(GIS) Chief Executive Officer Company NameGlobal Islamic School(GIS) Self-employed Dates EmployedMay 2021 – Present Employment Duration7 mos LocationGlobal Qutor (National Logistics and Technology) Online Quran Recitation and Tajwid Tutor Company NameQutor (National Logistics and Technology) Part-time Dates EmployedMay 2020 – Present Employment Duration1 yr 7 mos LocationUnited Kingdom Alhamdulillah, I've been approved as a Quran Recitation and Tajwid teacher after Evaluation test in Qutor. I've very good experiences on teaching those.As well as, I've shortcut technics by which I can teach those an adult within short time. Global Islamic Education (America) Online Quran Tutor Company NameGlobal Islamic Education (America) Dates EmployedApr 2019 – Present Employment Duration2 yrs 8 mos LocationPennsylvania, United States Alhamdulillah, I'm carrying on my job with best performance.My all students are satisfied with my teaching and method. Education University of Chittagong University of Chittagong Degree NameMaster of Arts - MAField Of StudyIslamic Studies Dates attended or expected graduation2019 – 2019 University of Chittagong University of Chittagong Degree NameBachelor of Arts - BAField Of StudyIslamic StudiesGrade1st class Dates attended or expected graduation2015 – 2018 Volunteer experience WAMY ( World Assembly of Muslim Youth ) Meat distributing and photographing volunteer Company NameWAMY ( World Assembly of Muslim Youth ) Dates volunteeredJul 2020 – Aug 2020 Volunteer duration2 mos CauseSocial Services I did an Eidul-Adhha meat distributing and photographing project of WAMY as volunteer at Rohingya Refugee Camp at Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh. Skills & endorsements English See 1 endorsement for English1 Mir Sabbir ✅ has given an endorsement for this skill Bangla See 1 endorsement for Bangla1 Mir Sabbir ✅ has given an endorsement for this skill Standard Bangla pronouncing See 1 endorsement for Standard Bangla pronouncing1 Mir Sabbir ✅ has given an endorsement for this skill Show more Show all of SHIFULLAH’S skills Accomplishments SHIFULLAH has 1 organization1 Organization Global Islamic School(GIS) Interests Quran Institute (aquraninstitute.com) Quran Institute (aquraninstitute.com) 760 members Global Islamic School(GIS) Global Islamic School(GIS) 2 members Dar Al-Hekma University Dar Al-Hekma University 34,443 followers Online Quran learning academy Online Quran learning academy 904 followers LinkedIn LinkedIn 19,683,273 followers Faysal Bank Limited Faysal Bank Limited 105,028 followers Ismail Kamdar via gmail.mcsv.net 19:01 (3 hours ago) to me ​As Salaam Alaikum We have two massive deals this November: 1) 10 ebooks for only $16 - Access the full bundle here: https://islamicselfhelp.gumroad.com/l/selfhelpbund...​ 2) History of Islam Course + Productivity Principles ebook for only $30, access the full bundle here: https://islamicselfhelp.gumroad.com/l/history1/cyb...​ Note: Both offers are limited to November 2021, and to 100 customers each. Secure your bundle today to avoid disappointment. Was Salaam The Islamic Self Help Team Copyright © 2021 Islamic Self Help, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to www.islamicselfhelp.com Our mailing address is: Islamic Self Help 134 Julia Road Durban, South Africa 4091 South Africa Add us to your address book ENTIRE QURAN TAWEEZ (CODED) FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT Sarkar Healings via gmail.mcsv.net শুক্র ৫ নভেম্বর ১১:১৭ PM (৯ ঘন্টা আগে) View this email in your browser Assallam O Alikum Wa Rahmutllah Wa Barakah! A treatment has been created for every disease : Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah Radhiyallahu Anha reports that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.” (Sahih Bukhari) We are Preparing a Special Taweez (Coded Dua), a very well calculated and coded By Scholar. This taweez is of the Complete Quran E Majeed. Yes you read it right the "Complete Quran" Which has everything for us in this world and hereafter. There is a specific time On Friday Only, Limited time to prepare this Taweez. Once you keep this Taweez with Yourself, You will never lack money. With the Blessings/Barakat of This Coded Dua of Entire Quran Enemies shall turn to friends. This is a very Effective Quranic Coded Dua to fulfill all your wishes, it's like what you Seek, By Blessings of this Quranic Duaa you shall find it......Insha Allah Ta'ala. If you or your family needs this, email us and book it. By The Grace of Almighty ALLAH & Pious Blessings of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam We prepared few Sets, last Friday. The procedure for this Coded Dua is as follows Step 1- Distance Healings - (Cleansing) Removal of Negative Energies You have to arrange certain items for Distance Healing Session. Our Team will do Quranic Distance Healing on the items. Later you have to use them as per the instructions. Step 2- Taweez Set - ( What your seek for, ALLAH Ta'ala will give you) There will be 2 types of taweez 1- Taweez to be applied on face hands, for 21 days 2- Complete Quran Taweez you have to keep with yourself (Precautions Needed) or keep at home/ office. This is a well calculated numerical values given by Scholars. Just Keep it in Neat, Clean and safe place at home or office. After you keep this Taweez with Yourself (office/home) , You will never lack money. With the Blessings/Barakat of This Coded Dua of Entire Quran Enemies shall turn to friends. If husband has any issues in married life, it is Helpful for the manhood as well. This is a very Effective Coded Dua to fulfill all your wish, its like what you Seek, By Blessings of this you shall find it......Insha Allah Ta'ala. For this complete kit, Hadiya is 182 usd. Payment can be done via PayPal or western Union. If you have any specific purpose, please inform us. May Allah always have the choicest Grace on all. 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The Muslim (Men) remain ahead in Islamic Website

                                           By Muhammad Sheikh Ramjan Hossain

Ismail Kamdar

 Mailing address is:
Islamic Self Help
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New Series: The Miraculous Nature of the Quran

As Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I hope you are well.

Alhamdulillah, this week we started a new series entitled the miraculous nature of the Quran. Part of this series is now up, and is available via YouTube, our Islam Intensive online course, or at this link: https://islamicselfhelp.gumroad.com/l/ejazquran.

I hope you find this series beneficial.
Was Salaam
Ismail Kamdar

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Avalon Cres: Moulana Mustapher Nicks
Awatif: Closed
Azhar: Moulana Muhammad Badsha
Baywest: Moulana Yusuf Y Desai
Bloemendaal: Sheikh Aadil Qaasim
Booysens Park: Sheikh Imad Lagardien
Cairncross St: Sheikh Muhammad Ajusa
Central: Sheikh Iman Nakhomo
Cottrell St: Hafiz Sufyaan Kiti
Darul Uloom: Moulana Nazeem Moosagie
Durban Rd: Moulana Ataullah Mondal
Grace St: Juma 1: Imam Ebrahim Tiry | 2: Moulana Javed Hanslod
Greenacres: Moulana M Saadiq Desai
Huda: Moulana Rushdie Nackerdien
Humphries St:
Kuyga: Sheikh Adam Piches
Mansoor: Moulana M Ali Desai
Missionvale: Sheikh Ismaeel Askimu
Motherwell: Imam Moosa Milanzi
New Brighton: Sheikh Nceba Salamntu
Overbaakens: Moulana Rieyaad Abrahams
Pier St: Moulana Riyaad Jappie
Rudolph St: Hafiz Salim Ally
Saabireen: Sheikh Majdie Jardien
Saeed, Schauder: Moulana Aqeel Conlin
Salt Lake: Moulana Yusuf Habeeb
Taqwa: Moulana Jameel Prince
West End: Moulana Riyaad Lagerdien
Zimdahl St: Moulana Siraaj Joubert

Bilal: Imam Yusuf Umali
Haq: Imam Liaquat Ali Tiry
Ibaadur Rahmaan: Moulana Shuaib Laher
Mumineen: Hafiz Ilyaas Allie
Qudama: Imam M Zahied Farrath
Rosedale: Moulana Zubair Patel

Rhodes: Moulana Moosa Pandor
Bathurst St: Moulana Zakaria Khan
Market St: Sheikh Nur

King William's Town:
Town: Moulana Amjid Zeb
Lower Mount: Imam Wasief Lagardien
Queens Road: Moulana Ammaar Dadabhai
Botanic St: Sheikh Salim

East London:
Muttaqeen: Imam Ismail Davids
Rahmaan: Sheikh Juma Sanudi
Parkside: Hafiz Uthman Habeeb
Hilaal: Sheikh Ahmed Essa
Qiblah: Sheikh Ahmed Misri
Braelyn: Hafiz Ayub Mohamed
Beacon Bay: Mufti AbooBakr Siddique Mohamed

Muhajireen: Moulana Umar Nanabhai

Sheikh Ismail Shamsuddeen

Masjid Khalid: Sheikh Shamsee

Sheikh Habeeb Yusuf Chalema

Moulana Maseehullah Ntlokwana

Fort Beaufort:
Sheikh Oumar Barry

Sheikh Noor Haji

Sheikh Sulaiman Mustapha

Jeffreys Bay:
Sheikh Mohammad

Sheikh Eesa Ameen Yahya

Sheikh Muzammil Majuni

Highway Musallah: Sheikh Yahaya Jemus

Sheikh Ahmad Zulian

Sheikh Jafar Matenda

Mthatha Masjid: Moulana Sulaiman Abrahams
Masjid Bilal: Sheikh Abdur Razaak

Sheikh Abdul Aziz

Sheikh Hasan Williams

Plettenberg Bay:
Sheikh Muhammad Ameen

Port Alfred:
Noor: Moulana Ahmud Essack
Station Hill: Sheikh Mohammed Golden

Somerset East:
Hafiz Abbas Ali Kapery

Sheikh Ali

[All venues subject to change without notice]

Submit your Jumas for cities in the Eastern Cape to: +27 78 672 7797

Al Fidaa Foundation


Enewsletter No. 400
6 August 2021

T. 078 672 7797
F. 086 651 2125
E. info@islamicfocus.co.za



Muhammad Badsha
ISSN (Online): 2223 - 1129

Issue 145


Al Fidaa Foundation



19: Aashura (10th Muharram)

All programs subject to change without prior notice. Islamic dates subject to actual sighting of the moon
Advertise Here 078 672 7797

Mailing address is:
Islamic Focus
18 Bonaventure Crescent
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape 6059
South Africa
National Dawah Academy
Fall Classes Schedule
Empowering and educating Muslims in the field of Dawah led by ICNA. A premiere Dawah training platform by WhyIslam and GainPeace. A collaborated effort with other Dawah initiatives like Ask A Muslim. 
The Fall 2021 semester will run from September 20 to December 16 (with Thanksgiving break). Five courses are being offered during the Fall semester. All courses are ONLINE using a state-of-the-art LMS platform, Moodle.  Each course has a pre-registration fee of $50 (the fee will increase to $69 after September 15). Register now and save!

  • Courses to choose from Fiqh of Dawah (Mondays @ 7 pm EST)
  • The authenticity of the Quran (Mondays @ 8:30 pm EST)
  • Deconstructing Atheism (Tuesdays @ 8:30 pm EST)
  • Jesus: Man. Messenger. Messiah. (Wednesdays @ 8:30 pm EST)
  • Intro to Comparative Religion (Thursdays @ 7:30 pm EST)
Diploma Program
In completing and passing all 15 courses, trainees/students will acquire a Diploma in the Field Dawah Studies.  There are three levels to the Diploma program. Each level (comprised of 5 courses) will also grant certification.

Please visit www.icna.org/academy for more information.
Masjid Open houses
Youth Dawah Training
Educational Booths
New Muslim Mentorship
Highway Billboards
Neighborhood Dawah
Islamic Package mailed to non-Muslims
Media Engagement
Dawah hotline for
Please support the dawah work of GainPeace through direct payment through Zelle or Quickpay to ID: quickpay@gainpeace.com
Please support the ongoing outreach projects of GainPeace

1 South 270 Summit Ave
Suite #100
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Zelle or Quickpay to ID: quickpay@gainpeace.com
Zakat Eligible | Tax Deductable
TAX ID - 47-3342673
About GainPeace
GainPeace is an outreach project of the Islamic Circle of North America, whose goal is to share the authentic message of Islam with humanity. More here



এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

আসহাবে কাহাফ ৪২ (শেষ পর্ব) ❇ Ashab E Kahaf 42 (Last Episode) ❇ HD1080p ❇...


HISTORY OF ISRA Established in 2009. ISRA Australia (Islamic Sciences & Research Academy of Australia) is a product of the dialogue movement in Australia. It is a platform for cooperation between Australian Muslims and educational institutions in Australia. While ISRA has a strong educational and research emphasis, it also focuses on community building and cooperation in religious, social, environmental and other major areas for Australia and the global society. When Muslims migrated to Australia in large numbers from 1967 onwards, they had to first meet their basic economic needs before going through a long settlement phase during the 80s and the 90s. The new millennium coincided with the Muslim community opening up to the wider society through organisations such as Affinity Intercultural Foundation. Counter-intuitively, 9/11 accelerated this process when interfaith and intercultural works brought together people from diverse backgrounds in projects facilitating social interact...